Our mission is to build a familiar and trustable national system for the emotional support of cancer patients.

Just like 911 is called during emergencies, CanSER would be the go-to resource for those facing cancer!

We recently launched a national campaign to reach President Biden and his Cancer Moonshot team.

Endorse today, and help me reach President Biden!


With nearly 13 Million (2001-2019) cancer survivors needing emotional support, it is a national problem that needs a national solution! Unfortunately, NONE exists!

Our mission is to build a ‘national organization with local chapters’ that is familiar & provides trustable one-on-one emotional support for cancer survivors! We aim to do this by –

  1. Building a Seattle Chapter of CanSER offering emotional Support, Educational, Research resources. The Seattle chapter will be a template for other chapters to follow.
  2. Incessantly campaigning to build a national level organization, CanSER!

Read more details on WHY this mission here


As a patient or caretaker, there is a lot to deal with during your cancer journey. The Cancer Concierge Program pairs volunteer survivors with patients for one-on-one emotional support.

If you are in the Seattle chapter area, learn more & sign up!


We provide educational and informational articles to help you gain a better understanding of your journey (emotional well-being, etc.) Learn more…


We strive to bring awareness to Breast and Pediatric Cancer research so you can have all the latest information at your disposal. We also run fundraising campaigns to support cutting-edge research. Learn more…

Our Founder

My name is Annika Vuppala and I am a High School Senior.

I am passionate about helping cancer patients and furthering cancer research, which is why I decided to create CanSER!

Read more here.

Questions? → Check out the FAQ!

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